A PArents Guide To Black Lives MAtter

At Alec Reed Academy we are very proud of our diverse community and we see this as our strength. We welcome pupils from a range of ethnic backgrounds, some who are new to the country, others who have intergenerational ties with the UK and more locally in Northolt. We strive to ensure that every child feels valued and has the tools and opportunities to achieve. We recognise that nationally this topic is high on the agenda and rightly so. As a large school, welcoming many families from BAME communities, we want to ensure that we are proactively anti-racist in our stance.
Over the last few weeks we have met with staff and other schools from Ealing to reflect on that individual commitment to all in the context of the Black Lives Matter movement. This is because we recognise that Black Lives Matters is not to say that only Black lives matter, but that all lives matter. This is why inequality and racial injustice must be tackled in all its forms. We have had and will continue open dialogues with all of our staff, reviewing what we do and looking at ways that we can continue to improve our offer to ensure that our curriculum and ethos is representative of our community. We recognise the many positive things we already do with regards to equality and inclusion, but want to work even more closely with all voices in the school community.
On our return in September we would like to invite pupils and families to engage in our discussion. We believe in open discussions to support our approach. We have noticed some children discussing this issue and families are asking how they can best support their children to understand. We have placed a document titled 'A Parent's Guide to Black Lives Matter' below to support you in discussions with your children.